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Bumpkin Island voit le jour au cours de l'hiver 2010 dans un grenier aménagé en home-studio. A force d’assemblage de textures organiques et synthétiques, ce nouveau terrain de jeu devient rapidement la piste de décollage vers une pop aérienne où guitares froides, jouets & synthés parviennent à cohabiter. Suivent alors deux années riches et foisonnantes (deux EPs, Art Rock, les Transmusicales de Rennes, une victoire aux InRockslab...) à l’issue desquelles sort 'Ten thousand nights', premier album du groupe mixé par Birgir Jòn Birgisson (Sigùr Ros, Mùm, The album leaf).

Nouvelle année, nouvelles expériences, Bumpkin Island se concentre sur le son de groupe, les arrangements collectifs, et le savoir faire artisannal, fil rouge du nouvel EP "Home Work #01". Concocté à la maison et sortit en décembre 2014.

Bumpkin Island was formed in 2010 in an attic that had been converted into a home studio. The idea was to mix organic and digital sounds and textures, to finally find their own playground : cold guitars, toys and synths, all intermingling into an aerial pop music.​

Having lived a year ( 2011) full of events, (Art Rock and Transmusicales de Rennes Festivals, success with the InrockLab not forgetting the release of 2 EPs), the musical ensemble came back to its native breton counties so as to focus on the writing of their first album,
'Ten Thousand Nights', mixed by Birgir Jòn Birgisson (Sigùr Ros, Mùm, The album leaf).

Fit for daydreaming, this first long format is the result of a year of musical research, exploration and experimentation. As you discover the 9 tracks, where refined melodies, oppressive textures and wide-angle sounds become entangled, they reveal an innovative and demanding home-made craftsmanship, a breeding ground for a delicate and ambitious pop.

Photo: Lise Gaudaire

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